I'll keep this short and sweet....
Lately, I've been either witness-to or 'almost'-involved-in strange and/or dangerous traffic situations. And I
do mean strange/dangerous!
- First, there was the motorcycle driving TOWARD me on a major 4 lane divided highway!
- Then, there was the college girl who seemed to believe that if one is going to make an illegal U-turn, one totally has the right-of-way...regardless of how close on-coming traffic may be (like close enough for me to know that "stupid college girl driver" was wearing knock-off Chanel sunglasses). Did I mention that she also gave me props by signaling that I'm "#1?"
- Next was the dufus pair of teenage drivers drag-racing down a busy major city street, swerving around buses no less!
Finally, the straw that made the camel cuss.......(p.s. I'm the 'camel,' but there're no physical similarities).....
So I stopped at "The Jesus Store" to check out the latest Beth Moore bible study and chat with my Saturday night Christian radio show co-host. After a very pleasant visit and peaceful browse around the store, I head to the school to pick up my blessed angel-babies (no sarcasm intended......maybe).
Picture it: I'm pulling out of the parking lot. I'm making a left hand turn onto the major roadway. There's a car behind me pulling out and heading the same direction (to the left, to the left--to quote Beyonce). All of a sudden, the car behind me guns her engine and is trying to speed around me and PASS me WHILE making this left hand turn!!!!
Being the staunch Christian woman that I am, I promptly speed up, turn to meet her daring stare, and I shout out (never mind that the windows were rolled up), "B!%@H!!!"
That's when I decided two things:
1st: Mr. Analytical needs to get a higher paying job. I'm getting rid of my car, buying another one with a comfy and roomy backseat and darkly tinted windows, and I'm hiring a driver.....that's gonna require some 'green.'
2nd: I think I need prayer.