Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today, here at TftC, we honor one of "our own," and her Merry Christmas present from her "unknown" gift-giver.

Hey, Fighter!  Today is Happy Transplant Day!
If this face doesn't say, "I'm KICKING CANCER'S BUTT!" ........

And a GIANT THANK YOU to her "Unknown Gift-Giver!"  Merry Christmas "Unknown."  And thank you for giving Marla (and her whole entire family & friends & community) healing days ahead!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Shopping Tip #10

Where are tip #'s 1-9--you ask??  Why is tip #10 first??  10 is my favorite number.  I make it first.  Also, I have no idea what tips 1-9 are 10 has to be first.  Der.

Naturally, it's that joyous holiday time of year when we are all out in the pleasant hustle and bustle of Christmas gift shopping............

Pleasant?  Not so much.

Hustle and bustle?  Every minute!

Of course this is the point where I tell all you blog-stalkers that, when you're out and about doing your shopping, please remember how you'd want to be treated and treat others accordingly.  Do I really need to tell you that?  No.  I don't think so.  But just on the off chance you forget, here's a reminder--BE NICE!  For you, too, may need for the store security's first impression of you to be that of a "nice lady."

Holiday Shopping Tip #10:
Because time is always of the essence--especially when you're trying to cram gift-shopping for your kids in so you'll have time to drop the present by the house and hide it before you pick them up after school--I suggest making your trip through the check out faster and easier by locating your check card BEFORE you have to unload the contents of your oversized couture handbag onto the check out counter and expose your dirty little secret addiction to the yummy, white, no-calorie powder............

Apparently, Christmas is NOT the time of year to "mess with security."  I know this because they told me so.  

But, it's all good....I "look like a nice lady who should probably clean out her purse."  

Hope you look as "nice" as I this Christmas season!!

Oh.  And----IT'S JUST SPLENDA, PEOPLE!!  What's in YOUR wallet??????

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The jobs must be done. Also? Hum a little tune.

We have a chore chart.

Here at Casa del Sassy, we do not have a full time staff, so as any good parent would do, we make the teenagers work.  Hence.... chore chart.

Every afternoon, I remind the teenagers about the chore chart.

"Who has dishes?"

Giant teenager comes down the hall..... "AWWW, I hate dishes."  (Seven and one half minutes of teenage whining ensues.  Mucho complaining about the chore chart.  An argument regarding fairness.  Etc...)

Then, the most delightful thing.  Giant teenager starts doing the dishes!  Only seconds into his chore, I hear something unexpected.  Giant teenage boy is humming, 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas!'

I love, LOVE to experiment with the human condition, so as soon as dishes are done (really people, about 4 dirty cups and 4 spoons)  I assign giant teenager another task.

"Will you vacuum the hallway for me?  Please?"

(Giant moans of teenage woe ensue.  A few suggestions on who else should run the vacuum.  A request for payment.  Etc....)

Then, it happens again!

Giant teenage boy is vacuuming the hallway and humming, 'Deck the Halls!'

The vacuum cleaner belt broke and instantly the holiday humming spell was broken.  He announced an urgency regarding a pirate game and that was the last of the humming.

For now.

Merry Saturday!